CH Campio's Orion ("Rennie")

My First Finnish Spitz: CH Campio's Orion ("Rennie")
August 1994 - September 2009
He will always be my best buddy and the true "dog of my heart."
Rennie came into my life in 1997 at the age of three. He was the best introduction into the world of exhibiting
purebred dogs that anyone could want! He was my show dog, my obedience guinea pig, my agility exercise partner, and my
constant companion. He was bred by Sue Geesler of Campio Finnish Spitz, sired by BISM CH Kitsuna's Fyr Flye O'Pharob
(a.k.a. "Denny," an owner-handled group and specialty winner) and out of CH Campio's Such A Much, who won WB/BOW at the FSCA
National Specialty in 1993. Rennie's half-brother, Multi BISS CH Finiki's Call Me Mr. Blue, was the top-winning Finkie in
US all-breed shows for 1997 as well as winning the FSCA National in both 1997 and 1998.
Rennie's wins include: *
finishing his CH with two 5-point majors over the 1997 FSCA National Specialty weekend * winning multiple group placements- always
owner-handled! * winning the 1999 FSCA fall supported entry the day after the National * winning an Award
of Excellence at the first AKC/Eukanuba Dog Classic invitational show in 2001.
* winning an Award of Merit at the 2002 FSCA National Specialty (at age 8!)
Rennie's quality is showing in his pups. His son "Roo" (see below) won WD/BOW at the 2002 FSCA National Specialty,
finishing his CH with four majors out of the Bred-By class. Rennie's daughter "Cricket" finished 2002 as the #1 Finnish
Spitz in the UKC even though she only turned two in October 2002. Rennie is not offered for public stud service, but
his son is now available (see below).
CH Jayenn's Panache ("Pan-Pan")

Pan came to Aestiva during the summer of 1999 as a 9-month-old pup. She immediately took over the entire household and
everyone's hearts! She was bred by Joan Grant of Jayenn Finnish Spitz in Golden, British Columbia. Her sire is the Canadian
Multi BISS Am/Can CH Jayenn's Tophunter (who won the Canadian National Specialty FOUR times) and her dam is Jayenn's Isto
Ember, a daughter of top winner Am/Can CH Jayenn's Ackees Iscra. Pan's half-brother, Multi BIS/BISS CH Pikkinokka's
Foxmont Blueprint, won the FSCA National in 2000 and 2001 and won BOB at the first AKC/Eukanuba Dog Classic. He was the first
Finkie to win two AKC Bests in Show! Another half-brother, BISS CH Pikkinokka's Nordisk Niccolite, has won both
the American and Canadian Nationals as well as earning titles in obedience and agility. Her youngest half-brother is
BIS/MBISS Am GCH CH / Can CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot, a four-time winner of the FSCA National Specialty, as well as
multiple Westminster BOB wins and AKC/Eukanuba National Championship BOB wins.
Pan is also an AKC champion, finishing her title with three major wins. She has beaten several top specials for some
of her points, including Rennie and even a multi FSCA National BOS winner! She has been handled to all of her wins by Melissa
or her friend, Tina King. At age 12, Pan still likes to go to shows and be admired by new and old friends.
is the dam of Roo, Cricket, Dora and Artemis. She produced lovely intelligent faces with good front movement and
wonderful sweet temperaments.
Pan has been OFA certified for hips and elbows and vet-cleared for patellas.
CH Aestiva's Written N The Stars ("Roo")
Roo's win at the 2002 FSCA National Specialty |

All wins were from the Bred-By class |
Roo in the snow- pretty boy! |

Winter 2003- age 2 years |
"Roo" is now available for sale on co-ownership!
"Roo" is the latest star at Aestiva. He finished his CH at the 2002 FSCA National Specialty by going WD/BOW for
his fourth major. He won BOB all three days at the Spring 2003 Tarheel cluster, including the FSCA spring supported
entry. He is the son of Rennie and Pan, and so far he seems to blend the best features of both his parents. He
has a lovely face and expression, with correct balance and proportion for the breed. His gait is excellent!
NEWS FLASH! Roo's OFA results came back: hips EXCELLENT and elbows normal!
Roo has the sweetest temperament! He is very social with people and other dogs, and he was good with the family
cat. He once found a fledgling baby bird in the yard and carried it so gently to me it wasn't injured!
(He leaves the bird-killing to his bad baby sister!) He likes to sing and yodel, which is how he earned the nickname
"Roo." He has an excellent sense of humor, and likes to play jokes on everyone, including people! He is also the
jealous type, he gets in the way whenever someone tries to pet another dog- he just butts his way in for some of the love,
earning him yet another nickname: "Shoehorn"! Roo is the puppy-sitter of the family, he knows just how rough he can
be before it starts to hurt "his" baby.
AKC CH & UKC GRCH Aestiva's Wish Upon A Star ("Cricket")

(Shown between 14 and 18 months old) |
NEWS FLASH: "Cricket" finished her AKC championship with flair by winning WB/BOW/BOS over 4 class bitches,
8 class dogs and 2 champion bitches for a 5 point major at the 2004 FSCA spring supported entry in Perry, GA!!
"Cricket" is a daughter of Rennie and Pan, and a litter sister to Roo. She lives with Peg Gross of Roadrunner Schipperkes
and Finnish Spitz in Parma, OH. She is a UKC grand champion & group winner, and she finished 2002 as the #1 Finnish Spitz
in UKC. She is the other pup that won the 5 point major at 6 months old. She is very outgoing and energetic in personality!
Her silly nickname is "Wicked Cricket," which seems to be just fine with her! She has excellent bone and proportion for a
bitch, with a very thick coat and outstanding movement front and rear.
Aestiva's Pandora ("Dora")
Dora showing to win at 9 mo. |

Canadian national specialty show, judged by Finnish judge Paula Hakkinen-Lehkonen. |
Dora in the snow- 6 mo. |

Dora winning RWB at FSCA spring support entry (GA) |

Age 21 months |
Here is our little darling, Dora. She is the daughter of Pan and Am/CanCH Jayenn's Cohsa Vulcan. In April
2003 she went up to the Canadian National Specialty and won Winners Female AND Best in Specialty Sweepstakes! What a way to
spend her 9-month-old "birthday." She has a rich red coat with no white, beautiful small high-set ears and a virtually perfect
tailset. She has her mother's soundness in front. She is petite and very feminine. She is also
the most sassy girl I have ever seen! Her older half-brother Roo is wrapped around her little finger (toe)!
She will play with everything and everyone. She loves people and most dogs, and loves the show ring and its treats!
She likes to be outside in the snow as much as possible, and tries to get us to stay out and play with her- Brrrr! She
has received fine remarks from her judges so far, and I can't wait to show her more now that she has grown up!